i found my 200 words from 2016,,


erica agerås FMP16


My collection is based on a broken heart. The concept of escapism as a means of changing my reality combined with the process of ´moving on´ has inspired the collection. Memories are manipulated, colours drain out and time distorts the sensation of love and loss as I discover means of managing my emotions. Through textile techniques this collections aims to visualise the matter of the mind in the break up process.


This project is a personal exploration of lost love and the techniques developed reflect a journey of self help. Through research into the ´10 step process´ and Jean Tinguely, a sculpture who's work is self destructive I have developed pattern cutting techniques to reflect the process of ḿoving on´. Using drawing as a form of therapy my designs have evolved alongside my emotions as I discover methods of escaping my reality and coming to terms with my feelings of heart break.



erica agerås FMP16
erica agerås FMP16
erica agerås FMP16


erica agerås FMP16
erica agerås FMP16
erica agerås FMP16
erica agerås FMP16




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